Managing your stress: A Virtual Workshop
A two week zoom series focused on empowering yourself with new coping strategies to encourage lowering your stress.
You were told you have cancer. You may have been told you have cancer again. None of this is what you expected to be dealing with at this point in your life. It can be hard.
The great thing about being a unique you, is YOU get to pick what kind of coping tools will work well for you. You know best what can help you cope with the stress you are feeling. Best Part? Your coping skills toolbox can be filled with as many “tools” as you want.
We promise, you don’t have to turn your computer camera on if you don’t want to, it is totally up to you! During the workshop, you will virtually meet some oncology peers; peers that get what is is like to be told you have cancer.
Managing Your Stress topics include: Circles of Control, what you can control (more than you think) and how this impacts how you manage your diagnosis. At the end of workshop 1, participants will pick the topic of workshop 2. Choices include quick and easy ways to relax your mind and body in ways that work for you, decreasing your stress, mindful meditation, guided imagery, using breathwork, creating affirmations, and how thoughts affect our experiences.
Workshops are at no cost to you!
“ If you’re on the fence about participating in the workshop like I was, trust me and give it a chance. You can be as involved as you feel comfortable. Accepting help doesn’t make you any less strong.”