Calling all Onco AyAs!! Join Us for a Virtual Trivia Night
Thursday, October 3rd, 7-8pm via Zoom
join us for aYA trivia Night on Wednesday October 3rd starting at 7 pm for unique questions by A professional quiz master
Know a little something about everything? Want to test your knowledge? Or just want something different to do? Either way, come join us for a solid hour of laughs with your fellow onco AYAs.
HOW does it work? Everyone will be randomly divided into two groups. One person in the group will be in charge of typing in the answer to the trivia question that the group agrees upon. NO using google!!! There is some light conversation and chit chat but not much time, the questions come pretty fast and time is limited. After a few rounds, one group will be delcared the winners. Each player on the winning team getting a $25 Amazon gift card!
Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot. It is easy, just click the button below to and be sure to check out. There is NO CHARGE for joining but you do have to complete check out to reserve your space.