Kimberly Morris
Kim serves on the Fund Development committee. She is a natural instructor and spent ten years as a Spanish teacher before working from home full time. She earned her BA in Spanish, English and Education from Denison University in 1996, and MA in Spanish from UC Santa Barbara in 1999.
She has shared her time and talents with many non-profit organizations over the last 15 years including Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and St. Thomas Church Outreach. She and her son visit Our Little Roses home for girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on a mission trip every summer.
Kim lives in Plymouth Meeting with her husband Steve, her teenage boys Jack and Charlie, and her dog Daisy. Her family is almost finished visiting all of the Major League Ballparks across the US! They need to visit Seattle and Denver to complete this chase. She also loves to play tennis.
“I have known Melissa since our boys became friends in Kindergarten at Enfield back in
2010. As a two-time cancer survivor I was going through treatment at the same time as
Colin. I followed their journey and when Melissa asked me to join the Board of the MIP
Foundation I was thrilled to be able to help her help other teens battling cancer. It is a
privilege to be a part of the MIP Foundation.”